HEADACHEs can be very debilitating.
The cause of primary headache is not completely understood. While genetics seem to play a role, it is actually a sensitized brainstem that causes the headache.
The lower lower part of the brainstem (trigemino-cervical nucleus) extends down to the third cervical vertebra and can be irritated by inputs from the cervical spine or the jaw and facial area supplied by the trigeminal nerve.
Now, if through specific manual techniques more "order" and quiet is brought into the cervical spine (one-sided muscle tension is balanced out, the position of the vertebrae is made more symmetrical), this can often cause surprising and long-term improvement in symptoms.
I work with gentle, osteopathic and manual therapy techniques, including the method developed by Dean Watson (AUS). I only use gentle, sustained pressure techniques (no cracking) to improve the functioning of the cervical spine.
A headache therapy session tyically includes an accurate anamnesis and manual examination. Depending on your situation, it will include manual techniques, massage, lymphatic drainage, stabilizing exercises, micronutrient recommendations, craniosacral osteopathy and more.